I've woke up this morning thinking about what to write in my Dog Blog today when suddenly at 4:45 am my cell phone rang. Actually, it rang when I was walking down the stairs, crutches in hand, cell phone in my mouth in total darkness, trying my best not to tumble down to the bottom of the stairs. I looked at the phone, it was my son Sean. For those of you reading my blog who aren't part of my family, my son Sean is a proud member of the United States Coast Guard. As I type this, Sean and his shipmates are preparing their ship this Sunday morning to head out for another 8 week voyage. When they take off in a few hours, they are headed directly toward two Hurricanes that are forming in the Atlantic Ocean. I'm going to keep today's blog short and sweet...and I'm not talking about dogs today. When I have the chance to talk with my son Sean on days like today, dogs don't seem very important(don't tell Bogey I said that). It will be the last time I have a chance to talk with him for at least a few weeks. During that time, I won't know what he's doing, where he's doing it or how safe he and his shipmates are..or aren't. We do know he's trained to do his job and he's doing something he loves. I'm proud of my son for the service he's giving our country. My family is full of hero's like Sean. I have two brothers in law (Bob and Bob) that are retired fire fighters. I have another brother in law (Kerry) that is currently a fireman in Utah and I have a nephew (Greg) that is also currently working as a firemen in San Diego. You have to wonder about why someone would want to run toward a fire when everyone else is running away....or drive a ship directly toward the eye of a hurricane when everyone else is driving away from it. The reason is simple. They do it because it needs to be done and lives will be lost if they don't do their jobs. They don't do it for the money, they don't do it for the praise, they don't even expect a thank you at the end of the day. I often wonder if Bob, Bob, Kerry, Greg and Sean even know how many lives their work has saved over the years. and...keep in mind, when they save just one life, they also saved an entire family from the grief and loss of a loved one so at the end of the day, they actually saved an entire family. I remember writing Sean letters during his boot camp, telling him that because of the sacrifice he was making to become a member of the Coast Guard someones life, who he doesn't even know yet, will be saved sometime in the future because of his hard work and sacrifice. As I said...I'm keeping today's blog short and sweet. I'll end today with a big THANK YOU. Thank you Bob, Bob, Kerry, Greg and Sean for being part of my family. We love you guys and you are hero's to us all. And to Sean, stay safe out there and we will talk again in a few weeks. We all love and miss you....and Mom said to remember your sun screen.
We will keep Sean in our prayers! Those Huricanes usually have an impact on us here in the south and we are very thankful for all the people who risk their lives tracking these crazy storms! We hear this year is expected to be a crazy storm season and I hope Sean stays safe!
ReplyDeleteGood Evening Wayne...having house guest put me behind in reading your blog...pretty cool you have a comment besides mine. It looks like Stacey is reading your blog now. How fun! Pretty soon there will be a movie out called "Buddie, Bogey,? and Wayne". Just need to fill in the ?. We know what he looks like. You just need to put a name to that adorable face. I'm still voting for Putter though I didn't get a feeling it was at the top of your list. Anyway, after reading todays blog I had tears in my eyes. I wanted to share a conversation with you that I had with Kerry last week. Not often does he answer the phone when I call but...this particular night he did. I knew he had been out fighting fires that week. I had talked to Marlene while we both were concerned about him. When I asked Kerry if he gets scared fighting the fires he replied "no...it's fun". I said "hmmmm fun, I've never heard anyone refer to fighting fires before as fun". He told me for him..it's fun. We laughed over his comment but in the end like you, I thanked him for his work and told him I was glad he was safe. Also like you I thank Bob,Bob,Kerry,Greg and most of all right now your son, my newphew Sean. As Kacey prepares to follow in Sean's footsteps my eyes fill with tears knowing that by the end of this year I'll be feeling like you...being proud as a parent but you heart can't but help skip some beats with fear worrying about whether your son is safe. I too am proud of Sean and pray for his safe return. Knowing Sean as I do...he'll probably be like Kerry when it's over a say "it's fun". Thanks for sharing about Sean today. I love you Bro and glad your knee is healing ok...Your, Sis
ReplyDeleteI am happy to see that you have a blog! I love being able to keep in touch with family! I can't imagine not being able to talk to my child or even see them for that long! My Mason is 5 and so full of energy! Somedays I feel like I would like a minute of silence, and wonder if he will ever calm down. I know that I need to cherish everyday that he and all of my children are small and safe in my house with me!!! After reading this I realize how fast roudy little boys turn into brave men!!!! I hope and pray that Sean and all the other "HERO's" in our lives can be protected and blessed for their sacrifices! Take care and good luck with your recovery!!
You missed your calling, your should have been a journalist! Wow, these blogs are amazing. You have me laughing and crying all in the same paragraph.
ReplyDeleteAs I prepare to slip into my nice soft, warm bed in a few minutes, you have prompted me once again to ponder and give thanks for the men, women, and their families who are sacrificing at this very moment for me!!! It's hard to comprehend what some are willing to give up for the benefit others. What a blessing to know that we have "hero's" in our very own family, and that includes you. Thanks for the training and direction you gave your son that encouraged him to spend his life in the service of others. You and Kathleen are wonderful parents and because of that our world is a better and safer place to be.
Oh my, that puppy is about the cutest thing I have seen. I have been sitting her thinking of a name that I could put into the suggestion box just to say I participated. Understand that it is very late Sunday night or very early Monday morning depending on how you look at it, but how about Optimus and you could call him Opi for short!
Know that you and your family are in my prayers daily. Love and miss you tons.....
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ReplyDeleteFunny that you mention that Kerry said fighting fires was "fun". Sean says the same thing about steering a ship into 50 foot waves in the middle of a hurricane. I remember talking to him after the his first trip which included some "fun" with Hurricane Ike. He was recounting "riding" the huge waves while he drove the 210 foot ship. Kathleen asked how he managed to handle the hurricane without tossing his cookies. He said it was a "blast" and he LOVED IT!! I guess that's why guys become fire fighters, soldiers and Coasties. As I said...most of us would run the other way, these heros turn and run back toward the problems we run away from. We are lucky there are people like this in the world to keep us safe