Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Buddy and Bogey, partners in crime

So by now you know about my two dogs, Buddy and Bogey. Buddy was the golden child, Bogey, the redheaded step child. Buddy could do no wrong, Bogey could do...well..nothing. He was a door mat with large ears. Buddy tried his best to keep his funny looking younger brother in line and most of the time it worked...until the gate was left open. Then Bogey took over and all bets were off. Bogey was born to run...well make that born to waddle sort of fast. Buddy tried to talk Bogey into returning home before we noticed they were gone but his advice went into big huge floor hanging deaf ears. The first time they got out I found the gate open, Buddy sleeping on the front porch, totally covered in mud but he did return home. Bogey on the other hand went out for the entire night and never let up. I swear he must have gone to a doggy bachelor party. I found him about a mile away, also covered in mud, hanging out with all the other canine juvenile deliquesces down by the river. When I found him he had this look on his face as if he just got caught cheating on his final exam. I don't think he even realized his older brother had returned home, he looked around trying to find someone to blame for his bad behavior. He looked at me as if to say.."what, is there a problem"? But..he was all alone in the world and he knew he was in big trouble. When he returned home Buddy looked at him as if to say "I told you so". Bogey looked back as if to say.."I'm busting out of this place again tonight...Rover has some fine looking poodles coming down to the river tonight, you in?" A larger lock on the gate held them in for a few more years. Then..the big break out happened again. This time they escaped while we were on vacation. The neighbors were looking out for them while we were away. Somehow they (I know it was Bogey but I have no proof) somehow picked the lock and escaped. Bogey didn't make it far and was captured a few blocks away and returned to the back yard. He was heard yelling "you're picking on me only because I'm black...and white...and brown". Buddy somehow got picked up by the man and held captive about 10 miles away until we finally tracked him down 5 days later. I'm sure Buddy was just out looking for Bogey, never figuring he was captured so quickly. Who knew. Bogey barked the entire time he was alone, he was captured but wasn't going down quietly. His voice was almost gone by the time we returned Buddy back home. We beefed up the lock one more time. They did it again. I think Bogey paid off the gardener to leave the gate open but I don't have any real proof. They went as a team this time. I'm sure Buddy tried to keep Bogey from going too far but nothing could stop them. All the neighbors within 6 blocks of our house said they saw them together..Bogey leading the way of course...but nobody knew where they went. Finally after 5 days of searching, we found them again 10 miles from home. Bogey smelled like cheap hound dog perfume and Alpo. Buddy was happy to be home, Bogey was mad that he had to leave the dog prison. Tuesday night was movie night at the big house and they were showing Cujo the night they were returned home. Despite the fact that these two dogs couldn't not be more different, they were inseparable. They slept in the same dog house despite each having their own place. Buddy was Bogey's pillow at night. Buddy wouldn't go inside his dog house at night until Bogey was already if to tell him "I don't trust you anymore and I'm not going to sleep until I know you're inside so I can keep an eye on you". They were Martin and Lewis...totally opposite but perfect as a team. I could go on and on about the trouble Bogey got Buddy into but I think you get my point. We knew that someday one of them would leave this team. We dreaded the day thinking about how the other half would handle the parting but we had no idea just how traumatic things could get. Stay tuned tomorrow for "Bogey..single dog in the big city"